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The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The actors help the play come to life by staying true to their characters.

Don’t Say It!

Tim Cohrs, Reporter
November 8, 2018
GSA members attend their weekly Tuesday meetings while sporting their school spirit wear for Character Day.

GSA Supports Pride

Zainab Ansari, Reporter
November 8, 2018
#3 Tyler Hudson runs the ball 50 plus yards for the Panthers first touchdown. Oak went on to win 14-13 and advance to the first round of playoffs.

Panthers Clinch Playoff Birth

Preston Jones, Sports Reporter
October 30, 2018
As the 'red carpet' is rolled out, senior Jon Shin makes his grand entrance during D lunch to his 'queen'.

Check Yes Or No

Jacob McCready, Reporter/Photographer
October 26, 2018
Trump supporters could watch his speech from any seat in the Toyota Center as his image was projected to the big screen.

Trump Rallies Houstonians

Tim Cohrs, Reporter
October 25, 2018
Off The Rails

Off The Rails

Abbi Wright, Editor
October 25, 2018
Students perfect their skills while getting a jump start on making decisions for careers.

Building Careers

Zainab Ansari, Reporter
October 25, 2018
With eyes on the prize, senior wide-receiver Tyler Hudson snags a pass for a first down.

War Against Eagles

Preston Jones, Sports Reporter
October 22, 2018
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