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The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

NHS members are donating many books to the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. The organization exceeded their monthly goal with a total of 651 books.

Book Charity Drive

Minha Shabbir, Staff Reporter
December 7, 2020
Amy Coney Barrett stands ready to be inducted as the newest Supreme Court Justice. Students have many hopes for her time on the court. One wish is that she remain neutral in her rulings. "I think a Supreme Court Justice should not lean any specific way and should not be biased toward either party,” senior Cooper Anders said.

The Future of the Supreme Court

Erin Walters, Co-Editor-in-Chief
November 2, 2020
Sitting at the registration booths, seniors Lucia MoraUrbina and Caitlyn Nguyen anticipate eligible voters to pick up available registration forms outside the Nails of America Salon.

Students Help Voices Be Heard

Alessandra Esquivel, Co-Editor-In-Chief
November 2, 2020
According to Pew Research Center Projections, one in ten eligible voters this year are members of Generation Z, up from just 4% in 2016. 2020 marks this first time that many members of this generation will be able to participate in a presidential election.

Political Opinion Pipe Down

Brook Dryden, Staff Reporter
November 2, 2020
Voters across the country pack the polls before election day including 18-year-olds who look forward to casting their first votes.

Election Day: Students Talk Turkeys

Morgan Jones, Broadcast Editor
November 2, 2020
Fine arts students continue TMEA Region auditions despite coronavirus restrictions.

Changing Keys

Annika Esseku, Podcast Editor
November 2, 2020
With the presidential election a closely heated race, the Supreme Court will decide whether Electoral College voters are required to support presidential candidate who wins state, thus following the will of the popular majority.

The Electoral College Explained

Annika Esseku, Podcast Editor
November 2, 2020
Carved pumpkins sit out on the porch anticipating trick or treaters to be spooked while they gather all the sweets they can carry.

Pumpkin Paradise

Aiden Trevino, Staff Reporter
November 2, 2020
Being put to the test Jake Curl takes a daring bite of Denny’s pumpkin pecan pancakes not aware of the rough journey his taste buds were going to take. WIth much enthusiasm he ventured to sit at every restaurant and see what fall food was to be offered.

Add a Little Spice

Jake Curl, Senior Writer
November 2, 2020
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