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The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

Junior Gannon Tullos tackles the Golden Eagle running back for a small loss, the Panthers defense was electric and only allowed one score from Klein Forest.

Oak Claims First Victory

Preston Jones, Senior Writer
October 23, 2020
This Halloween, students try to get creative while staying socially responsible when choosing costumes.

Don’t Try These At Home

Chasey Almirol, Publicity Editor
October 22, 2020
Trials and Tribulations

Trials and Tribulations

Preston Jones, Senior Writer
October 6, 2020
Walking through the hallways of the school, students head to their rides to go home while keeping social distancing guidelines in mind.

Campus Calamity

Matthew Stuckey, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2020
Schools around the nation look at Zoom to allow classes to continue being
taught through CO-VID19, making internet trolls come out of hiding.

Raiders of the Worst Kind

Kamryn Marroquin, Managing Editor
October 6, 2020
Junior Colton Perrott’s newly rescued cat lounges around. Perrott adopted him recently from his father’s coworker who recently discovered they were allergic to cats and had to rehome him.

Creature Comfort

Erin Walters, Co-Editor-In-Chief
October 6, 2020
Students search through tables with for an open spot without a brightly colored "X" to sit in the commons.

Lunch Crunch

Aiden Trevino, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2020
Last year's DECA contestants grouped together for a photo after their respective events. This year, it will be more difficult to gather as one group due to restrictions on travel and large gatherings.

A Date with DECA

Morgan Jones, Broadcast Editor
October 6, 2020
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