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The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

With the senior class of 2023 graduating in May, they leave behind tips and tricks to help underclassmen on their own high school journey.

Wise Words

Sarah Cooley, Staff Reporter
March 6, 2023
Celebrating their first place wins, the varsity and JV teams show off their first trophies of the season

Winter is Coming

Feyi Adebajo, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2023
Music platforms offer thousands of genres of music for listeners to create their own habits. The number one music app is Spotify where songs, podcasts, and even audiobooks can be accessed.

What’s in Your Ear?

Enrique Lara, Staff Reporter
January 27, 2023
Fashion Marketing and Advertising teacher Brenda Sims shares two meaningful tattoos with her daughter.  [The picture] shows the tattoo my daughter and I got together when my mother passed away. My mother had very distinctive and pretty handwriting, so we pulled out cards she had given us over the years and discovered that on my cards, she always signed them ‘Love you dearly,’ and my daughter's were always signed ‘Love you more,’ so that is exactly what we had tattooed on our forearms in her handwriting. Every time we see it we remember how much we love her and how much she loved us.”

Got Ink?

Carys Luther, Editor
January 27, 2023
Junior Tyler Warnie, who plays the lead role of Ariel, sings with her newfound voice. After working hard on The Little Mermaid musical, theatre is ready to show off their work.

Oh, Buoy!

Sarah Cooley, Staff Reporter
January 27, 2023
Proudly striking a pose, Dezra Daduya shows off her traditional high school letterman jacket she earned through cross country, but she plans to add patches for orchestra and mariachi.

Letters of S-U-C-C-E-S-S

Riley Pate, Staff Reporter
January 5, 2023
As children grow into young adults, the value placed on the holidays matures and grows as well.

Spirit of the Ages

Sarah Cooley, Staff Reporter
January 5, 2023
Zachary Shnol and his partner give fierce looks to the judges while on the dance floor. After tough competition, they came home with the first place title.

Dance Like Shnol-one’s Watching

Enrique Lara, Staff Reporter
January 5, 2023
This year’s homecoming king and queen are Slade Reese and Jessica Torres. “When they announced my name I felt an insane rush of adrenaline,” Reese said. “Hearing all my friends cheer me on as they placed the crown on my head was the coolest experience I’ve had to date. I was so happy watching my best friend get crowned next to me.”

To Be Crowned

Feyi Adebajo, Staff Reporter
November 3, 2022
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