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The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

First Time Voters

Paloma Benavides, Reporter
November 22, 2018
Emi Velez gives fuzzy socks that she purchased form Kroger. These donations help people who are cancer victims who stay in cold hospitals. Over 300 pairs were collected, exceeding the expectations.

The Club That Gives Back

Tiffany Del Real, Reporter
November 16, 2018
The ACADEC club participated in the homecoming carnival with a trivia booth, selling homemade cookies and Oreo brownies.

Atypical Olympians

Paloma Benavides, Reporter
November 8, 2018
The actors help the play come to life by staying true to their characters.

Don’t Say It!

Tim Cohrs, Reporter
November 8, 2018
GSA members attend their weekly Tuesday meetings while sporting their school spirit wear for Character Day.

GSA Supports Pride

Zainab Ansari, Reporter
November 8, 2018
As the 'red carpet' is rolled out, senior Jon Shin makes his grand entrance during D lunch to his 'queen'.

Check Yes Or No

Jacob McCready, Reporter/Photographer
October 26, 2018
All Is Fair In FFA

All Is Fair In FFA

Alessandra Esquivel, Reporter
October 19, 2018
Celebrating during 3rd quarter with the drum line, the new stand leader organization ignites excitement in the student body.

Yell Leaders Stand For Spirit

Jacob McCready, Reporter/Photographer
October 15, 2018
Bell App Passes Time

Bell App Passes Time

Tiffany DelReal, Reporter
October 11, 2018
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