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The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

The student news site of Klein Oak High School

Panther Press

Sarah Fuller kicks off as the first woman to kick in a power five game.

Playing Like a Girl

Pablo Jimenez, Staff Reporter
March 22, 2021
Brooke Downey gives her students instructions for their essay in AP European History. "I love her class. It is cool to have her as a teacher after hearing a lot of my friends talk about her." senior Nicolas Hobbs said.

Teacher of the Year

Matthew Stuckey, Staff Reporter
March 22, 2021
U.S. gold medalist Simone Biles performs at the 2019 Gymnastics World Championships in Stuttgart, Germany.

Flipping Out

Madison Miles, Staff Reporter
March 22, 2021
Switching up her usual style, Taylor Swift releases yet another album. The album marks the start of Swift’s new era and adds to her success in the music industry.

Ladies, Shake It Off

Rachel Hartmann, Staff Reporter
March 22, 2021
New Yorkers rejoice in the streets, celebrating an upcoming year of progress. For some, the best parts of the festivities aren’t the exciting parties and gatherings. “My favorite part is probably the money or the food. We mainly celebrate to wish for a good upcoming year,” sophomore Jacklyn Vo said.

An Ox-citing New Year

Carys Luther, Staff Reporter
March 21, 2021
Graduating 20th in the Class of 2021, sophomore/senior PJ Miller poses with her honors at the Klein Oak Top 10% Ceremony.

Early Bird Gets the…Diploma

Chasey Almirol, Publicity Editor
March 21, 2021
SZA’s last album came out three and a half years ago, but she’s only growing in popularity. “I'm not completely sure, but I think SZA might be releasing new music soon,” sophomore Benjamin Lovelace said. “She released two singles recently, so I hope that means there will be an album soon. I'd be super excited if she did, I need something new from her.”

An Upbeat 2021

Carys Luther, Staff Reporter
February 26, 2021

The Giving Season

Carys Luther, Staff Reporter
December 17, 2020

What COVID-19 Feels Like

Madison Miles, Staff Reporter
December 17, 2020
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