Band Transitioning into Concert Season
Sweat is dripping from your face as you stand in the last set of your marching show, the audience before you giving you a well-deserved standing ovation. As you march of the field, there is a sick feeling in the pit of your chest when you think about how this will be the last time you perform that show this year.
The Klein Oak ended their marching season on Tuesday October 22. This end, however, only marks the beginning of their official concert season.
Now that marching season is over, each student is assigned music that allows them to improve how they play their instrument while playing music that correlates with their skill level.
“Concert band pushes you harder than marching band,” sophomore Korissa Harfield said. “It makes you a better player, while marching band just makes you a better marcher.”
The directors will sit down and plan out the pieces that will be performed. The piece being performed depends on which band and performance it is for.
“A large part of preparing for concert season is making all of these decisions,” head band director Todd Clearwater said. “You have to decide what music you want to play for which performance, and all the music varies depending on which band a student is in.”
During marching band, each student had to put a lot of energy into their body movements. This restricted them from truly concentrating on their sound.
“We can focus more on our sound than how we’re supposed to move our feet while we play,” senior Holly Savoie said. “It’s much harder to play your best when you entire body is moving.”
The marching season has come to a close, but the band still has plenty more things in store for the year.
“Something that people think that is completely wrong about concert season is that we aren’t as busy as in marching band,” Clearwater said. “People think high school band is all about marching, but that’s only a third of the things we do here.”