Fancy Pants
Fashion club starts semester with style

Club Couture’s logo, created by junior Ruby Landa, represents the power of fashion and designing.
The runway is ready and the doors have opened for a new organization called Club Couture. The fashion and design club students in Club Couture are eager to begin making a difference in the school community.
“We want it to grow into a big, almost like an organization, kind of club, and get to experience seeing real runways.” Club president, Ruby Landa said. “The club is planning to cover plenty of information about the fashion industry, including runways, clothing design, and even sustainable pieces. With an exciting semester ahead they are hoping to accomplish their goals for this year and experience the fashion world.
“Students with a love of fashion should definitely join to find people with the same interests in clothes as they do,” Landa said
For more information about Club Couture email club sponsor Jill Reed at [email protected], or consider attending the next meeting Jan. 25 in room 173 at 3 p.m.