Get Up and Dress Up
Stuco offers fun days to raise school spirit
Senior Bryce Allen doesn’t skip a beat while dressed up as Spider-Man during his 4th period Symphony Orchestra class on Meme Day.
The racing adrenaline that is felt during a football game. The glimmer of a new and shiny dress. The jovial sounds of music and the smell of food at a carnival. These picturesque scenes can only lead to one conclusion: Homecoming.
But the prelude to these events, the dress up days, create their own excitement, and electrify the atmosphere of the school with spirit.
“I really enjoy the dress up days because it’s a way for us to show school spirit while also having fun,” senior Chase Meech said. “Depending on the dress up day, probably one-fourth to one-half of the school [dresses up].”
On Monday, the halls were filled with pajama clad students who embodied the notion that they just rolled out of bed.
“I like this dress up day [pajama day] because I don’t have to put much work into it,” junior Tori Wilson said.
Tuesday shifted from lazy theme of Monday to the cliché, but classic Nerd vs Jock theme. Many students, the ‘Jocks’ show off their Letterman jackets and football Jerseys, while the ‘Nerds” of the school come with their taped-up glasses, high-waisted shorts held by suspenders, and t-shirts brazenly displaying math related jokes. Despite the implied competition, it is not uncommon to see a ‘Nerd’ and a ‘Jock’ walking down the hallways, engaged in friendly chatter.
“The school is pretty much like this, like ‘Nerd vs. Jock,’ sophomore Madison Westbrook said.
But the most difficult, yet most satisfying, dress day is arguably Meme day. Meme day saw many successful students in memes, old and new. The school was filled to the brim with students as e-girls, inflatable dinosaurs, and various aliens from Area 51. Let’s also not forget a full suited spider-man, a cheerful Bob Ross, and multiple Mean Girls references.
“I [dressed up as] Tanisha from Bad Girls Club,” laughed Junior Brooke Harrison. “[The meme] just speaks to me. It made me feel confident because it was fun, and I didn’t feel stupid dressing silly like that.”
But students aren’t the only ones who shined on Meme Day. The world language teachers, all came as the Kermit the Frog meme, to the delight of their students.
“I think [Meme Day] is fun,” Spanish teacher, Senora Quiros said. “It’s a way of showing spirit, and that the teachers are a part of that as well as the students. The world language teachers dressed up every day! As a team we shared this, and this was a way to show support for school as a group, and support for each other.”
This week, students are not only encouraged to dress up for the football game and Halloween, but also to show support for Red Ribbon Week. Students are able to choose from Twinning to traditional costumes for All Hallows Eve.
“This year for Halloween, a few of my friends and I are dressing up as Pac-Man and the ghosts,” senior Haley Hufstedler said. “We’re going to get together tonight to make them. I’m really excited to see how they are going to turn out, and I can’t wait to take cute pictures in them.”