Sweet Sweets Addiction
Girl Scout cookies fulfill yearly cravings
As Girl Scouts comb the neighborhood for buyers, others set up shop in teacher classrooms or the library to fulfill the teen sweet tooth cravings.
As hard has people try to avoid the most wanted cookies of the year, diets break and wallets empty. The Girl Scouts set up tables in front of local grocery stores to sell their famous cookies, but as hard as people try to dodge them, the sugary treat overtakes willpower.
“Girl Scout Cookies are so good I feel like if had the money I could eat a truck load of them in 30 minutes.” senior Noe Abeja said.
The Scouts have to take into account that not everyone, due to food allergies, are allowed to enjoy these tasty cookies. So, this year they’re offering two gluten free cookie options, Toffee-tastic and Caramel Chocolate Chip, allowing more people to join in the tempting sells.
“I personally think it’s wonderful since no people with gluten allergies can enjoy Girl Scout cookies,” former Girl Scout junior Ashlyn Womack said.
It seems as if everyone in America at one point has eaten one of the main flavors of the cookies the Girl Scouts offer. They’re so popular to the point people would go to extreme lengths for them.
“I am mad for the S’mores cookies because they taste the best,” junior Trae Daniels said.
The program itself goes to help fund whatever the local Scouts need and help them build multiple skills. These skills include goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.
“I’ve been in Girl Scouts for 12 years and I’ve learned that it is important to take care of our community. A few times we would choose to donate our money to a cause we wanted to help, like most recently we donated money to a mental health organization.” Girl Scout senior Aubry Linn said.
Lucky, for most high schoolers who are craving the yummy cookies, some teachers offer to help some of the girls sell box loads of them.
“I’m really glad Mrs. Long sold last year because it was easy to just buy boxes right before classes, instead of having to wait till I saw a girl that I don’t know selling them,” sophomore Diego Alvarez said.
Even with this advantage the other girls still manage to sell multiple boxes of the tempting cookies.
“It’s easy to sell them because people know they exist, so they kinda sell themselves” Linn said.
With the wide assortment of savory cookies to choose from, there are some fan favorites. Much like the time old dispute between which is better: Thin Mints or Caramel DeLites. According to HuffPost , Thin Mints were the top seller last year at 25%, with Caramel DeLites trailing behind at 19%.
“Caramel DeLites are my favorite. The mixture of chocolate, caramel and coconut is amazing,” freshman Samuel McGhee said.
At the end of the day, buying at least one boxes is helping a good cause and the buyer ends up with sweet cookies.
“I like the Girl Scout cookie season because I used to be in those girls shoes and I wanna help as much as I can,” Womack said.