Lazy vs. Unmotivated

In a constantly shifting world, with new technologies and revolutionizing inventions popping up seemingly every other week, it’s no wonder that humans have begun to slow down. The rapid innovation is replacing mere human activity, speeding up certain things and making others obsolete. Along with this, many are claiming that the day to day simplicities being replaced are causing people to neglect other responsibilities. Instead of labeling themselves as “lazy,” they’ve replaced it with a kinder word:


People need to stop justifying their lazy actions by saying they lack motivation.

Sugarcoating the word lazy only promotes the condition to worsen. Replacing this word with something makes it seem as if you aren’t actively choosing to neglect responsibilities, rather you don’t have the internal drive that other’s claim to have. This will only escalate to greater heights and soon there will be more and more of an internal drive to give into laziness.

By mitigating a persons’ unwillingness to work, the amount of mental issues will increase and lead all quality of life to drop. Once a person has repeatedly told themselves that the reason they’re unable to get a better grade in a class is because they don’t feel it’s worth the effort, they will become stuck in that mindset. By justifying their lack of effort, they are pushing off the problem until the day it’ll be too big for them to ignore. When faced with so much stress and little to no reasons to solve this problem, the quality of life will drop as the person becomes used to living without achievement.

Many people argue that the reason they neglect to finish assignments or pay full attention in class is because the work is so simple, and the knowledge they’re supposed to be gaining is minimal and won’t have an impact, therefore they lack motivation. This is completely and utterly false. Even in the simplest of classes, your education extends to how far you are willing to go and how much knowledge you want to get out of a course. Going above and beyond expectations, especially in a less challenging course, doesn’t need much motivation, it only needs effort.

Motivation, although very helpful when working towards a goal, is not technically necessary to get a person up and off the couch. People need to stop excusing and justifying their laziness with being unmotivated. By doing this, they’ll find they become more productive, and overall happier.