Is A Lunch Being Taken Off the Menu?
Administration considers three lunch options for January 2020
Due to smaller numbers and scheduling issues, administrators are meeting to discuss having only three lunches beginning this spring.
The sounds from the near-empty cafeteria barely echos through the hallways. With the recent staff meeting, a previously undiscussed topic was brought forward to benefit the students in many ways: the removal of A lunch.
“A student suggested the removal of A lunch to me a while back,” Assistant Principal Julie Medearis said.
A single student with a small suggestion could have been the catalyst for a big change here at Klein Oak. Eradicating A lunch could allow for improvements among the students schedules.
Klein Oak is the only high school in Klein ISD that has four lunches and administration sees no reason why by next semester the school can possibly move forward with only three lunches.
“The idea is that you could take the time of A lunch and spread it amongst the day,” Medearis said.
The instructional time in classrooms is shorter at only 47 minutes compared to other schools in the Klein district, such as Klein High where the average classroom time 51 minutes.
The additional minutes being put towards each classroom length may not seem like a big change for students now, but when pressed for time on a test, they will be grateful they have that extra duration.
Administrators aren’t the only people who believe elimination of A lunch could be valuable.
Most freshmen said the biggest inconvenience is the fact that their class is split, so test days can be a struggle.
“A lunch is right in between 4th period and it cuts into class time,” freshman Angelina Nguyen said.
Removing this inconvenience could be of great benefit for the students occupying A lunch in regard to their schedules.
“I think removing A lunch would be beneficial. The number of students in there isn’t close to the amount in the other lunches,” Medearis said.
While in the planning stages now, if implemented, the school could switch to three lunches as early as January.