New Year, New Schedule

This school year, the schedule has been changed to include Panther Den every day of the week versus three days a week to adhere to state policy.

“I like the new bell schedule because it benefits the students tremendously. It was hard for them to adjust to at first, but now I think they’re doing awesome with it.” Assistant principal Lance Alexander said.

In September of last year, the Texas Education Agency passed a law, entitled House Bill 2610, which states that all Texas schools are to add more minutes to each day, to where the total amount is 75, 600 minutes of instruction. Klein Oak adapted to this by adding Panther Den, a study hall period, to all five days of each week instead of the previous three. As a result of this, all school days are now 30 minutes longer.

“I like Panther Den, because it gives students an opportunity to come in and get clarification, or something else they may need.” English teacher Jennifer Modrzejewski said.

Panther Den lasts 30 minutes each day, taking place right after the second class in a student’s schedule. Students are assigned teachers first, depending on what subject or class they need help with, and as their grade is restored, they may request a teacher. The period itself is time for students to catch up on their homework assigned on that day or pervious days, and sometimes even go to certain classrooms to retake or makeup tests and quizzes. If a student is not struggling with any classes or behind on any form of schoolwork, they can go to an alternate organization, club or sport they are members of.

“I like Panther Den because it gives me time to do my homework, since I have lots of homework now that I’m in high school,” freshman Anneka Gill said. “I didn’t have that in middle school.”

Panther Den also is a platform, if students are assigned to a teacher but do not need help with the subject or have homework to finish, to relax for a little while.

“I like Panther Den because I never have homework that early in the day, so I can read or take a nap. It’s great sometimes, because I need to take lots of stress off myself, and Panther Den helps me do that.” sophomore Mackenzie Kinman said.

In conclusion, House Bill 2610 seems to have people on the campus very enthusiastic. The goal of this change is to aid students in completing their work, catching up on make-up work, and retesting for higher grades. By adding extra minutes to every day, Panther Den can attempt to reach that goal.

“I love every day that I work here. I love it even more now because of the schedule change, since it allows students that are behind to catch up and use every resource they need to raise their grades. Obviously we have to do what the state tells us regardless, but I really do like this decision.” Alexander said.