Friendsgiving Bash
Spirit groups feast in gratitude as holidays near
The Diamond Girls attend their first friendsgiving to start the season.
A thankful and warm atmosphere fill a room sounded by friends, old or new, gobbling the most anticipated meal of the year. This combination can be known as Friendsgiving, a tradition to be shared with others besides the crazy relatives who come to town. This is a fairly new festive activity allows friends that are like family to create life long memories.
Two organizations to host Friendsgiving were the Diamond Girls and Strutters with each hosting their own teams’ get-togethers, including games and various filling foods to go around.
“It was a wonderful way for the new members to be introduced in an intimate setting,” Diamond Girls sponsor Linley Kowis said. “After eating, we all went around the room stating a few things we were grateful for, and we also played a fun ‘would you rather’ Thanksgiving game. Starting off the season with this dinner really established the team as a close family.”

Diamond Girls Kennedy Adelman, Jazmine Ceniceros and Michaela Poore fill their plates with homemade servings.
The Stutters Dance Team had their second annual Friendsgiving gathering in the commons. This was a great celebration for the team as they have been putting in many hours of practice during the extended football season. Each dancer was encouraged to bring a dish for the seasonal setting.
“It was in the commons and every grade level brought a type of dish like appetizers, sides or desserts,” senior Strutter Anna Grace Stockton said. “It was interesting to try new dishes that other families prepare and eat for their Thanksgiving dinner. We had so much food we didn’t know what to do.”
As typical Thanksgivings are spent with families, this friends celebration was new to many. With this holiday opportunity, some students took advantage of the dinner and used it to meet new people.
“I felt that it was a good bonding opportunity and it allowed me to meet new people and get to know other girls,” junior Diamond Girl Stephanie Cedillo said. “I have never been to a Friendsgiving before and I would defiantly make it a tradition.”