The Value of Vase
Quiet chatter fills the room as teens pace the halls mumbling practiced words under their breath. Occasionally students exit the room, some with tears of relief in their eyes, and others heartbroken. Time passes and anxiety builds.
Art students all over Texas have joined together the months of March and April to compete in the Visual Arts Scholastic Event or VASE Competition. Students are to prepare an art piece, whether it’s photography, hand drawn, or animation. On February 18, the contestants were interviewed by a representative and asked to explain the various artistic elements used in their piece. Then, the student receives a rating one through four based upon their artwork as well as their perception and theories behind it.
“For me, the interview was really fun,” Junior Emma Priedeman said. “It was my first time, but the juror made me feel really comfortable. After the interview we waited and were eventually allowed to go upstairs to the area gallery. I totally didn’t expect to see my piece there but it was and I ended up being first in the region!”
The 4N Regional competition was held at Klein Collins High School, over seven other school districts competed. Of the 36 Klein Oak students that competed, 32 have advanced while five have already qualified for the state level. Artwork going to state will compete in San Antonio on April 28 through 29.
“I’m both nervous and excited for my students,” Ms. Scheibel said. “I’m excited because I know the quality of their work is good, so I’m very confident in them.”
Other students in art who were unable to compete or did not pass the first couple of rounds are still fully supporting those moving on to the next levels. They are all sharing the stress, anxiety and joy coming as a result of the competition.
“Watching my friends participate in the VASE competition was awesome because I was able to see firsthand all the hard work and talent that goes into creating these beautiful and thought-provoking works of art,” Senior Bryn Bluth said.